This is how you find a vocational training vacancy.
Addresses and Links.
You have found a career that interests you and which you would like to learn. Now look for a suitable vocational training vacancy:
- Talk to your vocational guidance expert at your employment agency, who will help you find a vocational training vacancy. They know the companies and the vocational training vacancy opportunities available, and can also provide tips for finding a place. They can inform you about the current vocational training opportunities.
- Contact companies direct and search on company websites.
- Online job sites, e.g. KURSNET,, or chamber of commerce databases (chambers of industry and commerce and chambers of crafts and trades, etc.)
- Ask friends, family and people you know.
Who can help you with your application?
- Enter > APPLICATION compact
- Talk to your vocational guidance expert
- Attend an application training session or other event at the Berufsinformationszentren (BiZ) (careers information centre) of the employment agency.
Would you like to know more? Important addresses and links:
- ARRIVE app (BAMF, the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees)
- and then go to
for people from overseas - and then go to ENTER