What could your future career in Germany look like? Let us show you!

Young people who have been forced to flee their countries of origin tell you why they chose to carry out dual vocational training in Germany.

Industrial mechanic

Working towards a career.

Industrial mechanic

Industrial mechanic

Dual vocational training – what is it?

How to find a vocational training vacancy.

Electronics technicians in the energy and building technology

Electronics technician for industrial engineering

Would you like to know more? Addresses and links.

Chemical lab technician

Painter and decorator

Go to lots of interviews. Don’t give up.

This is how vocational training works

Know how to accept failure. Fight.

Motivate yourself.

Gain experience.

Find things out from others.

Do a work placement.

Obtain information on training.

Learn to be punctual and reliable.

Learn to work in a team (with different nationalities).

Learn to work independently.

Be open to friends in your private life and leisure time (“networking”).

Structure your own day.